Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Magic Connections: German News Agencies and Global News Networks, 1905-1945 

      Evans, Heidi Jacqueline (2013-02-20)
      A Nazi news editor declared in 1934 that there were indefinable "magic connections" between news and politics. This dissertation demystifies those links between communications and society. An untold story of news networks ...
    • "The Path to Freedom"? Transocean and German Wireless Telegraphy, 1914-1922 

      Evans, Heidi Jacqueline (University of Cologne, 2010)
      This article examines the early years of Transocean, a news agency owned and run by the German government, and its use of wireless telegraphy from 1914 to 1922. This investigation of the infancy of wireless technology ...
    • Peace through Truth? The Press and Moral Disarmament through the League of Nations 

      Evans, Heidi Jacqueline (Arbeitskreis für historische Kommunikationsforschung (AHK) [Working Committee for Historical Communication Research], 2010)
      The League of Nations Assembly passed a resolution in September 1931 to consult the press about the “spread of alse information which may threaten to disturb the peace or the good understanding between nations.” By September ...
    • Political and Economic News in the Age of Multinationals 

      Tworek, Heidi Jacqueline (Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2015)
      This article compares two media multinationals that supplied different genres of news, political and economic. Most media companies provided both genres, and these categories often overlapped. Still, investigating two firms ...