Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Arithmetic properties of local systems on algebraic varieties 

      Petrov, Alexander (2022-04-25)
      The first main result of this dissertation is a statement about the ubiquity of de Rham local systems on algebraic varieties over $p$-adic fields. If $\mathbb{L}$ is a geometrically irreducible $\overline{\mathbb{Q}}_p$-local ...
    • Companion Forms Over Totally Real Fields 

      Gee, Toby (Springer Verlag, 2008)
      We show that if \(F\) is a totally real field in which \(p\) splits completely and \(f\) is a mod \(p\) Hilbert modular form with parallel weight \(2 < k < p\), which is ordinary at all primes dividing p and has tamely ...