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dc.contributor.advisorDoyle, John M.
dc.contributor.authorAugenbraun, Benjamin Lee
dc.identifier.citationAugenbraun, Benjamin Lee. 2021. Methods for Direct Laser Cooling of Polyatomic Molecules. Doctoral dissertation, Harvard University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.
dc.description.abstractMolecules controlled at the single-quantum-state level offer wide-ranging applications spanning many of the frontiers of modern physics. Within the past decade, simple diatomic molecules have been brought under full quantum control both via assembly from pre-cooled atoms and by direct laser cooling. Polyatomic molecules\footnote{Molecules that contain three or more atoms.} have attracted focus as novel quantum resources providing distinct advantages (and challenges) compared to both atoms and diatomic molecules. For example, nearly all polyatomic molecules have long-lived states that can be fully polarized at low applied electric fields. These and other features generic to polyatomic molecules can be applied to quantum simulation, quantum chemistry, and tests of fundamental physics beyond the Standard Model. While these structural features of polyatomic molecules are highly promising for applications, they complicate the process of bringing molecules under full quantum control. In this thesis, we describe a series of experimental and theoretical advances toward the production of ultracold complex polyatomic molecules. We demonstrate the first laser cooling of the polyatomic radical ytterbium monohydroxide (YbOH), a promising candidate to search for particles and interactions beyond the Standard Model of particle physics. We develop a novel deceleration technique (``Zeeman-Sisyphus deceleration") capable of slowing molecular beams to trappable velocities while scattering fewer than 10 optical photons. This deceleration method is demonstrated using CaOH molecules, a lighter analog of YbOH. In order to determine a viable pathway to full three-dimensional cooling and trapping of YbOH, we develop a spectroscopic technique to measure vibrational branching ratios with relative intensity sensitivity around 1 part in $10^5$, approximately two orders of magnitude beyond the previous state of the art. We also perform the first spectroscopic observations and characterizations of the related molecule ytterbium monomethoxide, YbOCH$_3$, a promising species to probe beyond-the-Standard-Model physics. In addition, we show theoretically that an entire class of asymmetric top molecules can be laser cooled using essentially the same techniques used for much simpler species. Measurements of the vibrational branching ratios for a few prototypical asymmetric to molecules (CaSH and CaNH$_2$) are presented to confirm these predictions.
dc.subjectelectron electric dipole moments
dc.subjectlaser cooling
dc.subjectmolecule trapping
dc.subjectmolecules in external fields
dc.subjectprecision measurements
dc.subjectultracold molecules
dc.subjectAtomic physics
dc.subjectMolecular physics
dc.titleMethods for Direct Laser Cooling of Polyatomic Molecules
dc.typeThesis or Dissertation
dash.depositing.authorAugenbraun, Benjamin Lee University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
dc.contributor.committeeMemberGreiner, Markus
dc.contributor.committeeMemberGuenette, Roxanne

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