Now showing items 1-1 of 1

    • Bottlebrush polymers with flexible enantiomeric side chains display differential biological properties 

      Nguyen, Hung V.-T.; Jiang, Yivan; Mohapatra, Somesh; Wang, Wencong; Barnes, Jonathan C.; Oldenhuis, Nathan J.; Chen, Kathleen K.; Axelrod, Simon; Huang, Zhihao; Chen, Qixian; Golder, Matthew R.; Young, Katherine; Suvlu, Dylan; Shen, Yizhi; Willard, Adam P.; Hore, Michael J. A.; Gómez-Bombarelli, Rafael; Johnson, Jeremiah A. (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2021-11-25)
      Chirality and molecular conformation are central components of life: from the genetic code and its inheritance mechanisms to cell surface receptors and trafficking pathways, biological systems rely on stereospecific ...