Now showing items 1-20 of 22

    • Are American Elections Sufficiently Democratic? 

      Thompson, Dennis (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013-12-31)
    • The Challenge of Conflict of Interest in Medicine 

      Thompson, Dennis F. (Elsevier, 2009)
      The expanding relationships between industry and medicine have produced great benefits. Industry support for medical research has led to important therapeutic breakthroughs. Such support has helped medical education at all ...
    • Constitutional Character: Virtues and Vices in Presidential Leadership 

      Thompson, Dennis F. (Wiley-Blackwell, 2010)
      Presidents and presidential candidates should be assessed more than they usually are on the basis of what may be called constitutional character. This refers to the disposition to act, and motivate others to act, according ...
    • Deliberate about, not in, Elections 

      Thompson, Dennis F. (Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., 2013)
      Election law should focus less on deliberation in elections and more on deliberation about elections. Promoting deliberative elections is problematic because it runs against the competitive nature of campaigns, frustrates ...
    • Deliberative Democratic Theory and Empirical Political Science 

      Thompson, Dennis (Annual Reviews, 2008-06-01)
      Although empirical studies of deliberative democracy have proliferated in the past decade, too few have addressed the questions that are most significant in the normative theories. At the same time, many theorists have ...
    • Designing Responsibility: The Problem of Many Hands in Complex Organizations 

      Thompson, Dennis F. (Cambridge University Press, 2017)
    • Instrumental Justifications of Popular Rule 

      Ingham, Sean (2013-02-15)
      Ordinary citizens are rarely charged with making consequential decisions in representative democracies. Almost all consequential decisions are delegated to elected representatives or political appointees. On what basis ...
    • John Rawls, Political Liberalism 

      Thompson, Dennis F. (2018-06-08)
      John Rawls’ Political Liberalism is much more than just an effort to correct what Rawls saw as an error in his masterwork, A Theory of Justice. The political liberalism of Political Liberalism stands on its own. It is ...
    • La vie privée des politiques 

      Thompson, Dennis F.
    • The mindsets of political compromise 

      Gutmann, Amy; Thompson, Dennis F. (Cambridge University Press, 2010)
      Political compromise is difficult in American democracy even though no one doubts it is necessary. It is difficult for many reasons, including the recent increase in political polarization that has been widely criticized. ...
    • Obama's Ethics Agenda: The Challenge of Coordinated Change 

      Thompson, Dennis F. (Berkeley Electronic Press, 2009)
      Obama's "ethics agenda" is the most ambitious ever set out by a new administration. It promises a tougher approach not only to the usual problems such as conflict of interest and the revolving door, but also to broader ...
    • Political Ethics 

      Thompson, Dennis F. (Wiley, 2018)
      Political ethics is the practice of making moral judgments about political action, and the study of that practice. It is divided into two branches: the ethics of process, which focuses on public officials, the methods they ...
    • The Political Ethics of Political Campaigns 

      Thompson, Dennis F. (Routledge, 2018-10-26)
      Campaigns are an odd way to choose leaders. Corporations, universities, hospitals, and other organizations rely instead on search committees, trustee boards, and outside consultants, and the like. Some of the most important ...
    • The Primary Purpose of Presidential Primaries 

      Thompson, Dennis F. (Academy of Political Science, 2010)
      Dennis F. Thompson analyzes the capacity of presidential primaries to provide a test of the constitutional character of candidates. He argues that the primary process should be judged to be more or less democratic on the ...
    • Professional Disequilibrium: Conflict of Interest in Economics 

      Thompson, Dennis (Oxford University Press, 2014-03-03)
      <p>The economics profession lags behind others in adopting policies to regulate conflict of interest. The purposes of conflict of interest regulations, which are often misunderstood, are to minimize bias in research and ...
    • Public Reason and Precluded Reasons 

      Thompson, Dennis
      Public reason seems an odd idea. Re-fraining from telling the whole truth—deliberately ignoring reasons that are relevant to reaching a well-grounded decision—seems more like a vice than a virtue. It is like swearing to ...
    • Reparations and State Accountability 

      Page, Jennifer Marie (2015-05-19)
      In the United States, many associate the idea of reparations with the longstanding African American claim of being owed redress for slavery and Jim Crow. Many defend the black reparations claim based on the exceptional ...
    • Representing Future Generations: Political Presentism and Democratic Trusteeship 

      Thompson, Dennis F. (Taylor and Francis, 2010)
      Democracy is prone to what may be called presentism—a bias in the laws in favour of present over future generations. I identify the characteristics of democracies that lead to presentism, and examine the reasons that make ...
    • Responsibility for Failures of Government: The Problem of Many Hands 

      Thompson, Dennis F. (SAGE Publications, 2014)
      The problem of many hands—the difficulty of assigning responsibility in organizations in which many different individuals contribute to decisions and policies—stands in the way of investigating and correcting the failures ...