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dc.contributor.authorKanjilal, Sanjat
dc.contributor.authorOberst, Michael
dc.contributor.authorBoominathan, Sooraj
dc.contributor.authorZhou, Helen
dc.contributor.authorHooper, David C.
dc.contributor.authorSontag, David
dc.identifier.citationKanjilal, Sanjat, Michael Oberst, Sooraj Boominathan, Helen Zhou, David C. Hooper, David Sontag. "A decision algorithm to promote outpatient antimicrobial stewardship for uncomplicated urinary tract infection." Science Translational Medicine 12, no. 568 (2020): eaay5067. DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aay5067
dc.description.abstractAntibiotic resistance is a major cause of treatment failure and leads to increased use of broad-spectrum agents, which begets further resistance. This vicious cycle is epitomized by uncomplicated urinary tract infection (UTI), which affects one in two women during their life and is associated with increasing antibiotic resistance and high rates of prescription for broad-spectrum second-line agents. To address this, we developed machine learning models to predict antibiotic susceptibility using electronic health record data and built a decision algorithm for recommending the narrowest possible antibiotic to which a specimen is susceptible. When applied to a test cohort of 3629 patients presenting between 2014 and 2016, the algorithm achieved a 67% reduction in the use of second-line antibiotics relative to clinicians. At the same time, it reduced inappropriate antibiotic therapy, defined as the choice of a treatment to which a specimen is resistant, by 18% relative to clinicians. For specimens where clinicians chose a second-line drug but the algorithm chose a first-line drug, 92% (1066 of 1157) of decisions ended up being susceptible to the first-line drug. When clinicians chose an inappropriate first-line drug, the algorithm chose an appropriate first-line drug 47% (183 of 392) of the time. Our machine learning decision algorithm provides antibiotic stewardship for a common infectious syndrome by maximizing reductions in broad-spectrum antibiotic use while maintaining optimal treatment outcomes. Further work is necessary to improve generalizability by training models in more diverse populations.en_US
dc.publisherAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)en_US
dc.relationScience Translational Medicineen_US
dc.subjectGeneral Medicineen_US
dc.titleA decision algorithm to promote outpatient antimicrobial stewardship for uncomplicated urinary tract infectionen_US
dc.typeJournal Articleen_US
dc.description.versionAccepted Manuscripten_US
dc.relation.journalScience Translational Medicineen_US
dash.depositing.authorHooper, David
dash.affiliation.otherHarvard Medical Schoolen_US
dc.source.journalSci. Transl. Med.
dash.waiver.reasonManuscript to be submitted to the journal Science Translational Medicine, a AAAS journal. The author form states: "If my university or institution has a separate publication license that applies to me (as at e.g.,Harvard, MIT, Open University) I have applied for a waiver. This does not apply to waivers for the U.S. or other government employees (click NA)" Without applying for a waiver, the journal will not publish the article.en_US
dash.contributor.affiliatedKanjilal, Sanjat

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