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dc.contributor.authorWillis, Nicholas
dc.contributor.authorZhou, Chunshui
dc.contributor.authorElia, Andrew
dc.contributor.authorMurray, Johanne
dc.contributor.authorCarr, Antony
dc.contributor.authorElledge, Stephen
dc.contributor.authorRhind, Nicholas
dc.identifier.citationWillis, Nicholas A., Chunshui Zhou, Andrew E. H. Elia, Johanne M. Murray, Antony M. Carr, Stephen J. Elledge, and Nicholas Rhind. 2016. “Identification of S-Phase DNA Damage-Response Targets in Fission Yeast Reveals Conservation of Damage-Response Networks.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (26): E3676–85.
dc.description.abstractThe cellular response to DNA damage during S-phase regulates a complicated network of processes, including cell-cycle progression, gene expression, DNA replication kinetics, and DNA repair. In fission yeast, this S-phase DNA damage response (DDR) is coordinated by two protein kinases: Rad3, the ortholog of mammalian ATR, and Cds1, the ortholog of mammalian Chk2. Although several critical downstream targets of Rad3 and Cds1 have been identified, most of their presumed targets are unknown, including the targets responsible for regulating replication kinetics and coordinating replication and repair. To characterize targets of the S-phase DDR, we identified proteins phosphorylated in response to methyl methanesulfonate (MMS)-induced S-phase DNA damage in wild-type, rad3 Delta, and cds1 Delta cells by proteome-wide mass spectrometry. We found a broad range of S-phase-specific DDR targets involved in gene expression, stress response, regulation of mitosis and cytokinesis, and DNA replication and repair. These targets are highly enriched for proteins required for viability in response to MMS, indicating their biological significance. Furthermore, the regulation of these proteins is similar in fission and budding yeast, across 300 My of evolution, demonstrating a deep conservation of S-phase DDR targets and suggesting that these targets may be critical for maintaining genome stability in response to S-phase DNA damage across eukaryotes.
dc.publisherNational Academy of Sciences
dc.titleIdentification of S-phase DNA damage-response targets in fission yeast reveals conservation of damage-response networks
dc.typeJournal Article
dc.description.versionVersion of Record
dc.relation.journalProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
dash.depositing.authorElledge, Stephen J.::5156efcdc0cac339028b998336bc7bcb::600
dash.workflow.comments1Science Serial ID 91362

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